Legal documents

Our transparency page

Terms & conditions

Invopop, responsible for this website, makes this document available to Internet users, whose purpose is to comply with the obligations established in Law 34/2002, of June 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) and other applicable regulations, as well as to provide information on the terms and conditions of use of the services it offers.

Who we are

Invopop is a trademark belonging to Invopop S.L.. This entity, with registered office in Calle Diseminado 1629, Miraflores de la Sierra, with NIF B85905495, and which is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, in volume 27590, section 129, sheet M0497191, inscription 1 (hereinafter “Invopop”), is responsible for the service provided for the purposes of art. 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the information society and electronic commerce. You can also contact Invopop at the email address

The service provided by Invopop seeks to facilitate the document management derived from the provision of services, delivery of goods or any other activity that the User in his capacity as entrepreneur (the “Provider” or the “Business”) carries out in favor of another company or entrepreneur natural person (“Client”) , and to which the precepts of these Terms of Conditions will apply, as well as the rest of the legal texts incorporated into this website such as those related to the API License or Data Protection, among others. For these purposes, Invopop operates as a service provider for the purposes of Ley 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce.

Through this service the User can, among others, register, manage and send their documents to their Clients, in addition to being able to carry out other actions related to them and contemplated in the services provided by the Invopop platform, such as the specific obligations related to the billing documentation that the User, in its capacity as Supplier, generate during the performance of its activity. For the purposes of the provision of services indicated, the content of the files, documents and information registered, exchanged, or sent by the user or client through the platform is the sole responsibility of the user or client who has uploaded, distributed, or sent any type of content through the platform, without Invopop assuming any type of responsibility for the above.

These conditions apply to the website, the app, as well as any other services provided by Invopop.

About the service

These terms and conditions regulate both access to and use of the services and platforms offered by Invopop, together with the privacy policy and the cookies policy. By accepting these Conditions, you declare and ensure Invopop that you are signing and accepting the Conditions in your own name and representation or on behalf of the User (if the User is a legal entity), and that you have sufficient legal capacity to accept and bind the User by them.

Any person, whether natural or legal, who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services provided by Invopop, undertakes to observe, and strictly comply with the provisions herein, as well as any other legal provision that is applicable, thus committing to make correct use of the website. The user will be liable to Invopop or to third parties, for any damages that may be caused because of the breach of this obligation.

In addition to the Terms and Conditions, other general and/or particular conditions may be applied to the user in relation to the use of certain resources and/or contents and/or products and/or services made available on the Platform by Invopop. In case of contradiction between the particular and the general conditions, the specific ones will prevail over the terms stipulated in the general ones.

The mere use of the Platform automatically entails the full and unreserved acceptance by the User of each and every one of the provisions provided for in these Terms and Conditions in the version published by Invopop at all times. Invopop reserves the right to unilaterally make the modifications it deems appropriate in its portal, being able to change, delete or add both the contents and the services provided through it, without there being any obligation to pre-notify, being understood as sufficient with the publication on the website of the provider. In order to improve transparency in these modifications, the date of the last modification of the text will be expressly indicated to facilitate its knowledge by users. You will be deemed to have accepted the modifications if you continue to use our Services or Platforms after the modifications have been displayed. The full acceptance of the content of both the legal notice and the privacy policy will be a prerequisite and indispensable to be able to access and use the services provided by Invopop.

The duration of the provision of the portal service is limited to the moment in which the user is connected to the website or to any of the services it provides. Therefore, the user, on each occasion that intends to use the portal, must carefully read this Legal Notice, since it and its respective conditions of use may be altered at any time. Therefore, the validity of the aforementioned conditions will vary depending on their exposure and will be maintained as long as they are duly published, until they are replaced by others.

Use of the service

The purpose of these conditions of use and navigation is to regulate the relationship between the owner of the website, Invopop, as a service provider, and the users who access, browse and enjoy the service offered.

The user assumes responsibility for the proper use of the services provided by Invopop, in accordance with the Law and these conditions, responsibility that extends to the registration necessary to access certain services and contents that are provided. This registration entails the completion of the corresponding form, in which the user guarantees the authenticity and timeliness of all the data communicated and undertakes not to provide false, fraudulent or illicit information or documentation. As a result of this, the need to create a password may arise, that the user must keep safe diligently and confidentially.

You may only use our Services or Platforms in accordance with applicable law and for legitimate purposes. With respect to your acceptance of these Terms, we will grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to download, access and use our Services and Platforms provided that such exercise is in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. We will grant you this license if you agree that you will not:

  1. Use our Services or Platforms for any purpose that is improper, illegal or to post or broadcast any material
    - Which is defamatory, offensive, obscene or unacceptable in any way;
    - that violates the confidentiality, privacy or rights of third parties, such as copyright, trademark rights or any other intellectual property rights;
    - that has been published, shared or disseminated for the purpose of promoting yourself or third parties;
    - that deceives or misrepresents your identity, or in any way suggests that you are sponsored, associated, or connected with Invopop or
    - over which you do not have the necessary rights or permissions to publish it.
  2. Use our services and applications for commercial purposes that damage or discredit Invopop in any other way.
  3. Disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise decompile software, applications or updates included or available on our Services and Platforms, including the API offered by Invopop, except as legally permitted.
  4. Copy, distribute, communicate to the public, sell, rent, provide or otherwise use our Services or Platforms without fulfilling the Terms of Service, or attempt to violate or circumvent the security measures employed to restrict access to or use of such Services and Platforms.
  5. Use or interfere with our Services and Platforms in a way that may damage, disable, overburden, impair or compromise our systems and security, or may affect other users.
  6. Introduce or transmit on our Services and Platforms any harmful or malicious code, virus, worm, Trojan horse or denial-of-service attack or spam.
  7. Remove, modify, or replace any notice of authorship, trademark, business name, logo or other designation of origin in our services, except in the cases in which it is permitted in accordance with these terms and conditions
  8. Not to use any unauthorized automated computer program, software agent, bot, spider or other software or application to scan, copy, index, order or otherwise exploit our services and applications or the data they contain. In the event of such use, the company reserves the right to take technical and legal measures to detect and restrict unauthorized automated access to our Services and Platforms.

Any breach of the clauses contained in this website (Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, as well as other content that entail obligations for the user) and of the legislation in force in Spain, will be immediately communicated by Invopop to the relevant authorities, committing itself to cooperate with them. In this case, the user will be liable to Invopop or to third parties, for any damages that may be caused because of the breach of these obligations.

By registering for our Services and Platforms with a login account or password, you are responsible for keeping your password and login details confidential and secure. If you detect or suspect, for any reason, that the security of your login details has been compromised, please let us know immediately through our Help Desk.

Our Services and Platforms are not intended for children under the age of 16. In addition, no one under the age of 16 should provide data to or provide data to our Services and Platforms through them. If, following a notification, or a review of the stored data, a collection of data from a child under 16 years of age is detected, such data will be deleted in accordance with the privacy policy.

Invopop is not responsible for any damage or loss arising from a denial-of-service attack, viruses or any other technologically harmful program or material that may affect your computer, computer equipment, data or materials as a result of using this website or downloading content from it or to which it redirects.

The invalidity and enforceability of any provision affecting these Terms in whole or in part shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions. All or part of any provision that a court of competent jurisdiction deems invalid or unenforceable shall be removed from these Terms.

These Terms apply exclusively to you. You shall not have the right to assign these Terms in whole or in part to third parties without prior written consent.

These Terms represent the entire agreement between us and you, and will supersede and supersede all prior terms, conditions, agreements, and provisions relating to your use of our Services or Platforms.

Any failure by us to enforce any of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such Terms or limit the right to enforce any of these Terms accordingly.

A person who is not a party to these Terms shall not be entitled to enforce any of its provisions.

About the services offered

Invopop reserves the right to modify at any time and without prior notice the presentation, configuration and contents of the web, application, and other services, as well as any other particularities that may be applicable.

Regardless of the country from which you access or use the Services and Platforms, to the extent permitted by law, the content of the legal notice and privacy policy is presented to users in Spanish and english, and will be governed by the corresponding Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.

In the case of sending suggestions and requests for improvement, as well as any other opinion regarding the service, the user irrevocably renounces in favor of Invopop the ownership of the intellectual property rights over them that may exist, accepting that they can be incorporated into the services at the discretion of the company.

Electronic signature

The services offered by Invopop allow to comply with the requirements required by Law 25/2013, Royal Decree 1619/2012, as in its case, Order HAP/492/2014, of March 27, which regulates the functional and technical requirements of the accounting record of invoices of the entities within the scope of application of Law 25/2013, of December 27, of impulse of the electronic invoice and creation of the accounting register of invoices in the Public Sector, the Order HAP/1074/2014, of June 24, by which regulate the technical and functional conditions that must meet the General Point of Entry of Electronic Invoices, the Resolution of June 25, 2014, of the Secretary of State for Public Administrations, which establishes the conditions of use of the FACe-General Point of Entry platform for Electronic Invoices of the General State Administration and the Resolution of October 10, 2014, of the Secretary of State for Public Administrations and the Secretary of State for Budgets and Expenses, establishing the standard technical conditions of the general point of entry for electronic invoices.

The User may carry out the signing of documents through the services offered on the platform offered by Invopop. To do this, the user can choose to incorporate their own electronic signature to the documents, giving their electronic certificate and password to the owner of the software, or entrust the latter with the issuance on their behalf of the documents to be signed, for which an application certificate will be used, which meets the aforementioned characteristics.

The use of an application certificate will require the acceptance of the following clauses:

  1. The client is obliged to issue the invoice and declares that he has been authorized by the Recipient of the invoices hereinafter to issue the invoices associated with the services provided and / or products sold, through the use of electronic means.
  2. The Client authorizes, from the date of subscription of this document, the issuance of electronic invoices to the Recipient by the holder of the certificate of application, so that he can, on behalf of the Client, sign, and issue said electronic invoices by using his digital signature certificate.
  3. The Client shall be solely responsible of the following:
    - The invoice is valid and effective, and that the data contained in it are real. For these purposes, the Client is solely directly responsible to the Recipient and to third parties, in relation to the invoices issued by the holder of the certificate. The Client, with absolute indemnity for the holder of the certificate, will be responsible for possible errors, omissions, inaccuracies or for any other cause, including viruses that could incorporate the information exchanged.
    - All the obligations established in the preliminary title of Royal Decree 1619/2012 are fulfilled.
    - The invoices are properly preserved and / or guarded, corresponding to this obligation referred to in Royal Decree 1619/2012, and without the holder of the certificate acquiring any obligation in this regard
  4. The holder of the certificate does not intervene in the operations of electronic commerce, or of any other type, that are carried out between the Client and the Recipient of the products and / or services, so the holder of the certificate. is not responsible for the result of the negotiations, nor for the damages that may arise from the products and / or services that are subject to negotiation between both.

Intellectual and industrial property

Except as otherwise provided in these Terms, all intellectual property rights like copyrights (such as computer software rights), patents, trademarks, company names, design rights, database rights, knowledge, trade secrets and confidentiality rights in our Services and Platforms are owned by Invopop, or it has been granted the appropriate licensing for its use. You agree that by using the Services and Platforms, you will not acquire any right, title or interest in or with such Services and Platforms, except for the limited license to use them granted to you under these Terms. You further agree that you have no right to access any section of the source code of the Services and Platforms, unless published under a license that expressly allows such access.

In accordance with the foregoing, all the contents of the website and applications, among others, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual content, as well as its graphic design and source codes, constitute a work whose property belongs to Invopop, without being understood that the exploitation rights over them are to be transferred to the user beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the web, applications and services offered, and regardless of whether or not they are susceptible to intellectual property.

Likewise, all trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the website are the property of Invopop, without it being understood that the use or access to it attributes to the user any right over them, and without prejudice to the existence of trademarks and other elements owned by third parties for the mere identifying effects of the service.

The total or partial reproduction, exploitation, distribution, modification, transfer or public communication of the contents and any other act that has not been expressly authorized by the owner of the exploitation rights is prohibited. Any use not previously authorized is considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.

To make any kind of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, the user must notify Invopop of this circumstance, attaching the relevant information.

In any case, Invopop does not assume any responsibility regarding the intellectual or industrial property rights owned by third parties that are infringed by a third party or by the user.


The Invopop website may contain links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites owned by third parties, over which it does not exercise any type of control. Therefore, once the user accesses the links of third parties and leaves the website, both this Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy will cease to have effect, since the websites to which the user accesses are subject to their own policies.

Invopop cannot assume any responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party pages, nor does it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, amplitude, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of said links or hyperlinks. Likewise, the inclusion of these external connections to third-party websites does not in itself imply any type of association, merger or participation with the connected entities.

Invopop is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any kind derived from viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents that may alter the computer systems, electronic documents or data of the users, despite having adopted all the necessary technological measures to prevent it. It is up to the user, in any case, to be provided with adequate tools that protect him against harmful computer programs.

Termination of the contract

Invopop, at its discretion, may terminate any contract with you at any time under these Terms upon notice to you or, if you have a login account, by terminating your member account and access to it, as well as deleting or blocking access to any User Content you have uploaded to our Services or Platforms.


For the purposes of contacting, sending complaints, and suggestions in relation to the services, to the owner of the website, you can contact at

API terms

These API Terms of Use describe the terms and conditions under which Invopop grants the User the right to access application programming interfaces or similar development tools that interface with Invopo’s products and services. Likewise, the General Terms and Conditions of the services provided by Invopop will apply to them.

By completing any applicable registration process, by accessing any of the APIs offered by Invopop, or by using any such API, you represent that:

  1. you are authorized to link to the party using the APIs; and
  2. you have read, understood, and accepted the Terms

Invopop’s use of any information provided by you, such as Registration Data, for example, will be made in accordance with the Provisions of the Privacy Policy.


General Access: Includes access to the platform with the possibility of carrying out operations in a production environment, and protected under the contract that the User celebrates with Invopop for such purposes.

API: Application programming interface offered by Invopop, which will allow the User to access and use the Content/API Resources through its Application. Invopop reserves the right, at its discretion, to guarantee, deny, limit, or modify, both to the User and to third parties the access and / or Use of any API, Content / Resources associated with any API.

API Key: Public key for application identification.

API Secret: Private key that knows the Application and the authorization server to authenticate and grant access.

API Content: Data or information available or accessible through an API in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.

Hyperlink: Link, link, or hyperlink through which an electronic document references another resource

Application: Website and/or computer application regardless of the way in which it has been developed, owned by the User and visited, used, or designed for the purpose of being visited or used, by the User, its customers or any third party (“End Users”) to access or use the Content/API Resources offered by Invopop.

Trademarks: These are the trade names, trademarks, logos, logos, trade names used in or in connection with the services offered by Invopop, with the use of an API and/or with a certain Content/API Resources, to identify Invopop’s products or services.

API Resources: Services and/or functionalities accessible or executed through an API, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions established herein.

Token: Access code that allows the consumption of an API Resource through the calls offered by Invopop.

API License

Invopop has open API services that the User can access. APIs allow developers to create integrations between their own software or application and third-party software and applications.

The Invopop APIs consist of an application programming interface (or similar technology) offered by Invopop through a specific website that allows it User (hereinafter “the User”) through a website or computer application of its own (hereinafter, “the Application”) the access and use of the data, information, services and functionalities executable through the Invopop APIs in accordance with these Terms, as well as the General Terms and Conditions of the services provided by Invopop. Once the acceptance of the API Terms has been produced, a binding contract is formalized between Invopop and the user of the APIs which may begin to use them from that moment for themselves or to provide services to their customers (hereinafter, “the End User(s)").

The Invopop APIs may not be used without prior acceptance of the full content of the API Terms by the User.

Invopop grants its users a limited, temporary, non-exclusive, personal and non-transferable, non-sublicensable and revocable license in terms of this document or the agreement that is generated for such purposes, to (i) develop and test your Application and offer assistance related to it; and (ii) allow end users of your Application to connect and communicate with the applicable Services. For these purposes, Invopop offers the code and documentation necessary for this development in the repository located in

Except for the rights granted by this Invopop API License, no other express or implied intellectual property or industrial secret right or license is granted, whether derived from or related to these Terms and Conditions or derived from the execution thereof.

Invopop reserves the right to exercise any other rights over the API(s) other than those granted in these Terms and Conditions.

Likewise, the User undertakes not to distribute, disclose, publish, promote, sell, rent, usufruct, sublicense or assign to third parties, any Token, API Key and / or API Secret, which allows the User access to the Invopop API under these Terms and Conditions, except when expressly authorized by Invopop.

API Access and Registration

Access to the Invopop API as well as use of the Content/Resources API require prior authorization and registration. Once registered as a user, Invopop will provide the access credentials (configured with an API Key and API Secret).

Access to Invopop APIs does not imply an obligation for Invopop to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer element. It is up to the user, in any case, the availability of the appropriate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.

The User must treat both the API Key and the API Secret as confidential and not disclose them to any third party. Invopop has the right to disable any identification code if it has not complied with any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. If the User knows or suspects that someone outside knows his User identification code or password, he must immediately notify Invopop.

Using the API

The User may only make use of an API and/or Content/API Resources using the corresponding credentials. The Token must be created for the User and only he will be able to access and use the APIs or the Content/Resources API using the corresponding Token. The Token is the property of Invopop, which includes, but is not limited to, any intellectual or industrial property rights that may arise from them.

Likewise, Invopop reserves the right to limit the Use of any API and/or Content/API Resources by the criteria and means it deems appropriate, including but not limited to: limitations on the number of calls or the frequency of calls, the amount and/or volume of accesses requested, uses, services, functionalities, data and/or any other Content/API Resources. Provided that he has informed of these limitations, the User will be obliged to comply with them. Limitations of Use may be notified through the Invopop dashboard and may be modified at any time. The User accepts that he will be responsible for any activity carried out in Invopop, or through any of the APIs or for any access to a Service and Content / API Resources that has occurred using his Token.

In the event of a failure in the User Application that may affect the normal provision of the services by Invopop, the User will be responsible for correcting as diligently as possible any failure or incident in its Application that is the source of difficulties in accessing the API(s) or the Content / API Resources, without prejudice to the fact that Invopop may limit, temporarily or permanently depending on the case, access to the API to guarantee its proper functioning.

Invopop does not offer or guarantee any availability in the operation of the API and/or Content/API Resources. These Terms and Conditions do not entitle the User to receive maintenance or support for any API or Content/API Resources that are developed to take advantage of the functionalities provided by Invopop. The User agrees to be solely responsible for providing any technical assistance or maintenance on his Application.

The User knows and agrees that Invopop has no obligation to offer or provide any technical assistance or maintenance to their Applications and the User shall not disclose or imply to any of the End Users that Invopop will provide, or be responsible, for such support and maintenance services.

When advertising the use you make of the Invopop APIs in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, you may not expressly or implicitly declare or communicate that you have established any type of partnership or collaboration or preferential relationship with us by the mere fact of integrating the APIs offered by Invopop.

The use of the API under these Terms does not imply the establishment between the parties of any corporate relationship, nor of an agreement of collaboration, franchise, agency, fiduciary, labor, or joint venture or of any other type.

Neither party has the authority to bind the other or to contract on its behalf or assume any responsibility that corresponds to the other party in the performance of its obligations or exercise of the rights that for it derive from this Agreement. You may not make any representations or even suggest that your access to or use of an API or the Content/Service API exceeds the licenses and rights we have granted you under these Terms. Nor can you declare or communicate that your access to and use of the APIs or the API Content/Service exceeds the level of integration that an API supposes and that it assumes that we are granting third parties rights or guarantees that could bind us against them.

API Usage Restrictions

The use of the API offered by Invopop will be subject to the corresponding security policies and procedures at any time. When an API call and/or API Content/Resources is accessed or consumed under these Terms and Conditions, it is expressly forbidden to any person, in particular the User, its End Users and/or its Application:

  1. Access or use the Content/API Resources in a way not permitted by these Terms and Conditions;
  2. Modify, hide, circumvent or disable any element of any API and / or Content / API Resources or its access and security devices;
  3. Interrupt or interfere with or generate a negative impact, in any way, on the access or use of an API and / or Content / API Resources;
  4. Disclose, share, transfer your Token, or allow access to API calls to any third party, except when expressly authorized in these Terms and Conditions;
  5. Infringe, abuse or make statements about the intellectual property of Invopop;
  6. Transmit or introduce viruses, worms, Trojan horses or any other malicious software through your Application or your access and use to/from an API and/or Content/API Resources;
  7. Use them in connection with an Application that offers, allows or promotes illicit activities;
  8. Use them in connection with an Application that is or promotes in any way the offense, insult, harassment, threat, discrimination, contains vulgar expressions, pornography, unethical, illegal conduct or any other conduct that in the opinion of Invopop is considered inappropriate;
  9. Except when Invopop has expressly authorized it, use robots, spiders, “scrapping” applications or mass data extraction or any other automatic functionality to extract or index all or part of Invopop’s data, products or services for any unauthorized use or purpose;
  10. Access or use the Content / API Resources in a way that contravenes or in any way supposes for Invopop a conduct that violates any law, regulation, internal regulations, rules of use of brands, or operation of payment systems or other similar or analogous regulations.
  11. Circumvent an effective technological protection measure that controls or limits access to APIs.
  12. Delete or alter the information on the management of intellectual property rights in the code in a manner not admitted by the applicable software license.
  13. Produce, reproduce, publish, edit, fix, communicate, transmit, distribute, import, market, lease, store, transport, disclose or make available to the public, copies of the APIs, knowing that the information on the management of rights has been deleted, altered, modified or omitted without authorization.

If the User or its End Users conduct any of the actions listed above, Invopop will be entitled to immediately terminate these Terms and Conditions and revoke the license to use APIs granted to the User under them. API Modifications

The User knows and accepts that Invopop may, at any time and at its discretion, modify these Terms and Conditions, any API, and any Content/API Resources. Modifications to APIs and/or API Content/Resources will be communicated via email with a minimum of 10 days prior to the entry into force of any modification (Conformity Period).

The User must adapt his application and use the latest available version of the API, making the pertinent changes in his Application that are necessary as a result of the Modification(s). The User acknowledges that a Modification may adversely affect its Application, including but not limited to:

  1. changes to the way the Application communicates with the API(s);
  2. changes to the way the Application requests, receives, accesses, displays, transmits and/or uses the Content/API Resources;
  3. changes to the Content/API Resources associated with a particular API call.

Invopop will try, as far as possible, to maintain the compatibility of applications developed with previous versions of the API. In the event of a change that would imply a lack of compatibility with applications developed for previous versions of the API, Invopop may, taking into account the complexity in the adaptation of the Application, choose to temporarily maintain access to the previous version of the API beyond the fulfillment of the compliance period, indicating the time that will be available to adapt the application to the latest version available, also notifying through the means of notification indicated by the user the calls and other changes that may affect the way in which the developed Application must communicate with the API services of Invopop.

Invopop does not assume any type of responsibility towards the User and / or any End User derived from any Modification or the unfavorable effects that may arise from it, including the loss of compatibility of the application due to the development of a version of the API or the non-maintenance of previous compatible versions for periods longer than that contemplated for the period of conformity. If the User continues to use the API(s) or the CONTENT/API Resources after the Expiration Period has elapsed, it will be understood that he has accepted and is bound by the Modification made.

Responsibility for the application

In the case of applications developed using the API calls that Invopop makes available to its Users, Invopop is only responsible for making the Content/API Resources available to the User in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

The User is solely responsible for its Application, including, but not limited to, the actions and / or claims that the End Users or third parties file against the User in relation to its Application, its development, its operation and maintenance, compliance with all local, state, federal and international legislation that may apply to them and all the materials that appear in it.

The User is solely and fully responsible for, among others:

  1. Communicate and inform how you will collect, use, store and communicate to third parties the data collected from visitors and End Users of your Application, as well as the corresponding consents, through an appropriate privacy policy
  2. Create and publish, and ensure the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, trust, totality and relevance of the information you publish on your website and / or your Application;
  3. Ensure the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, trust, completeness and adequacy of the data that the User and / or his Application provides to Invopop under these Terms and Conditions, including, but not limited to the data that the User provides of End Users, his Application and / or the use of the Content / API Resources;
  4. Use and disclose the Content/API Resources in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and with any agreement between the User and a third party, including any restrictions or requirements established for the User and applicable to him.
  5. Use and/or display Content/API Resources on or within your Application in a manner that does not infringe, violate or misappropriate the rights of any third party, including copyrights, trademarks, privacy, publicity, or any intellectual property right;
  6. Comply with any regulations that apply to it.
  7. Carry out the technical operations of your Application, including the timely maintenance and necessary updating in accordance with the modifications in the API carried out by Invopop.
  8. Assume the damages arising from any acts or omissions carried out by its End Users in the same terms that the User assumes under these Terms and Conditions.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

Invopop is the sole holder of any intellectual or industrial property right that may be derived from the APIs developed by it, all Content/API Resources, Documentation, Trademarks or distinctive signs, images, photographs, patents, utility models, industrial design, models, drawings, graphics, audio or video text files, and / or any content accessible in Invopop , as well as those referring to any content or service accessible through the services provided by it and any other intellectual property derived from these Terms and Conditions, including that which has been used or added in the User’s Application, in accordance with the provisions of this document.

The intellectual property of Invopop may not be modified, copied, altered, reproduced, adapted, or translated without the express consent, or within the assumptions permitted by the Software License granted by Invopop.

The User will maintain the intellectual property of the Application that he develops to connect to the APIs offered by Invopop, without prejudice to the corresponding limitations in application of the License of the Software that is used.

The trademarks, labels, badges, or logos that appear on the APIs and their code are the property of Invopop and have been duly registered. The names of the products and services and companies that appear in the Invopop APIs may be trademarks or distinctives registered by their legitimate owners. The User and / or his Application may not eliminate or under any circumstances modify the trademarks or distinctives or the legends that indicate the registration or ownership of these in the APIs or their code.

Invopop reserves the right to incorporate in any of the APIs or Content/API Resources, any suggestion that the User transmits, without deriving, for the User or for any third party, any intellectual and/or industrial property rights over the aforementioned suggestions incorporated in an API or in Content/API Resources, nor any right of economic consideration in their favor.

Invopop grants a limited, revocable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to include their respective Marks in the User Application for the sole purpose of identifying the source of the CONTENT/API Resources. The User will strictly follow the rules and recommendations for proper use of the Invopop Marks.

Invopop expressly reserves any and all rights to any and all API Resources it offers, with the sole exception of those granted under these Terms and Conditions. Except as expressly granted herein, no other intellectual property right or license, express or implied, including trademarks and patents, including but not limited to, arising out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions or arising out of the performance thereof, is granted.

The license to use the API does not imply an authorization to use, register or attempt to register trademarks or service names derived from those used by Invopop, or so similar to them that they may generate confusion.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Invopop does not offer a legal guarantee regarding the adequacy of the APIs to a specific purpose of the User nor, to the extent permitted by applicable legislation, in relation to the security, stability, unlimited availability or operation of these. Consequently, the User declares that he uses the APIs by his own decision and at his own discretion and risk, being solely responsible for any damages that may arise from such use, including, but not limited to, any damage to his computer systems or any loss of data.


Invopop may suspend access to APIs or API Content/Resources at its own discretion and without prior communication, either for reasons of security, control, maintenance, power supply errors or for any other reason.

Likewise, at its own discretion and, without deriving any type of responsibility for this fact, Invopop may suspend and / or terminate without prior notice the service provided to one of its users when:

  1. Have suspicion or evidence that the User, his Application or other third parties have accessed an API or Content / API Resources that has not been authorized;
  2. Breach or threat of non-compliance with the licenses granted in these Terms and Conditions and / or the restrictions established therein;
  3. When it is recommended or necessary to comply with current and applicable legislation or regulations;

Invopop may, in any case, terminate with or without reason, prior communication with fifteen (15) days notice. The User may terminate this Agreement by notifying in writing with a prior notice of fifteen (15) days by sending an email to the address:

Personal Data Protection

Controller for the Processing of Personal Data

The data controller for the processing of the personal data that the user provides when accessing and using the website, is, as owner, Invopop S.L., with registered office at Calle Pradillo 42, Madrid, Spain, with NIF B85905495, and which is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, in volume 27590, section 129, sheet M0497191, inscription 1, hereinafter Invopop.

Invopop informs the users of its website and associated applications in the domain through this Privacy Policy about the processing and protection of their personal data, that can be collected through their navigation or contracting of services that they carry out in this portal. The use of this website by the user implies their acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

Invopop adopts the necessary measures to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement thereof, and in that not foreseen by it by Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of the Organic Law on Data Protection, and Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

Through the registration forms of this website, the use of the APIs that are made available to users, or the sending of email, personal data of each user that are necessary for the management and maintenance of some of the services provided and whose treatment is governed by this Privacy Policy is collected and processed.

Invopop undertakes to apply the computer security measures provided for in the aforementioned regulations, with the aim of preventing access or improper use of the data, its manipulation, deterioration or loss.

Invopop as Data Processor

Invopop holds the status of data processor with respect to the personal data that its users enter on the platform and / or are included in the models managed through its services by its users. In this case, we must understand that Invopop, as a service provider, exercises the functions of data processor on behalf of its users in accordance with the provisions of article 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Invopop, as the person in charge of the treatment, undertakes to guarantee the security of the personal data to which it accesses, adopting the appropriate technical and organizational measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology at all times, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed. Likewise, Invopop guarantees that its actions will seek the protection of the rights of the interested party.

The documents generated in the Invopop services by its users, as well as all the data associated with them (such as, among others, dates, observations, amounts, etc.) will be stored in the service providers through which the Invopop service is provided, in their condition as data processor, and will be processed only for the purpose of providing the Service.

Likewise, Invopop may extract information from documents in order to provide services such as collation or matching of documentation, search or management, among others, within the services it provides.

The ownership of the data processing referred to in this section, and therefore the responsibility for compliance with the legal obligations regarding them, as well as any results derived from the data processing that, in relation to them, Invopop carries out as processor in accordance with the agreed services, corresponds to the User.

Invopop, as the person in charge of the treatment, undertakes to use the personal data solely and exclusively for the performance of the agreed services and purposes and, in any case, in accordance with the instructions given by the controller, as well as to keep the duty of secrecy regarding them, even after the end of this contractual relationship.

If Invopop detects a personal data protection breach, it will inform the controller concerned about the case without delay.

Invopop, in accordance with article 28.3.h) of the General Data Protection Regulation, shall make available to the controller all the information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the obligations set out in Article 28, as well as to allow and contribute to the performance of audits, including inspections, by the controller or another auditor authorised by said controller.

The audit may only contemplate aspects of the services that are contracted to the controller, including any type of data and file, measures that guarantee the confidentiality of the information, data, records, procedure manuals, quality, service levels, etc. To carry out the aforementioned audits, the controller must notify the processor 3 months in advance of his intention to carry out an audit, and the final dates must be agreed by both parties. In this case, Invopop may pass on to the controller the costs derived from it, which must be paid in advance.

In the event that any deficiencies are detected during an inspection or audit, Invopop undertakes to eliminate them within the time specified by the controller, no later than 14 days.

The interested party can exercise the rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, as well as any other right that the data protection regulations grant him before the controller. In the event that those affected exercise their rights before the processor, he must transfer the request to the person responsible for the file within a maximum period of 10 days from its receipt.

The processor will keep the personal data to which he has had access by reason of the service provided, as well as any support or document in which they appear, only during the period of provision of said service or that to which he is obliged by the legislation.

Once the processing has been completed on behalf of the controller, Invopop undertakes to return or delete the personal data, unless European Union or Member State law applicable to the processor requires the retention of the data.

Information we Collect

We collect the information you provide to us when, for example, you create or modify your account, register to use our Site, purchase products or services through our platform, request information from us, communicate with customer service, or generally communicate with us. Such information may include, but is not limited to:

  • name
  • address
  • e-mail address
  • phone number
  • statistical financial information
  • details of your identity card or passport

Duration of Data Storage

Invopop, as controller, undertakes to store and manage the personal data and information collected through this website with due confidentiality while the professional relationship that has arisen is maintained and the interested party does not request its deletion, and where appropriate, for a period not exceeding 5 years, counting from the end of the commercial relationship established between the user and to, among other purposes, the analysis and elaboration of profiles. However, the person responsible for the treatment may keep, duly blocked, the data to meet possible administrative or jurisdictional responsibilities.

Likewise, Invopop will proceed after the maximum period of data storage to the anonymization and grouping of the data to subsequently perform statistical and profiling analysis. These analyses will not allow the re-identification of the affected subjects.

Purposes of Data Processing

The operations, management and technical procedures, whether carried out in an automated or non-automated way, that enable the collection, storage, modification, transfer and other actions on personal data, are considered processing of personal data.

In Invopop we process the personal data that the user provides us for the provision of the services offered by the platform, which include among others the following:

  • Provision of the service: The data of registered users will be treated in order to provide the service, obtain payments, issue invoices, as well as for loading and sending of documents and the verification of subscription to the service. Likewise, the data incorporated in the documentation that is uploaded to the platform will be treated in the terms contemplated in the "Data Processor" section. Likewise, such data may be affected by internal audit functions of the service.
  • Contact with the user and / or support: The user's data will be used to provide the service and resolve the incident reported. The request for technical assistance may imply the need to obtain access to other data related to the user who notifies it, depending on the nature of the incident.
  • Sending commercial information and promotions: The user's data may be used to notify you of new functions incorporated into the system, as well as commercial information about the services offered by Invopop, including among other discounts and other offers.
  • Security audits: The data on the use of Invopop services may be analyzed internally to detect potential fraud and violations of the Terms and Conditions of the service, as well as to carry out the corresponding data processing that must be carried out by legal imperative.
  • Statistics: Usage profiles may be analyzed by Invopop to study behavior and preferences, with the aim of improving the user experience and its services.
  • Integration with third-party services: Invopop may process data of its users to give access to applications integrated with the service, such as the automated and / or direct sending of documents on the platform to third-party applications.
  • Other purposes: The use by Invopop of the user's personal data for purposes other than those indicated in this privacy policy will require that the user be informed and, if applicable, obtain their consent.

Likewise, these data will be processed to proceed with their subsequent anonymization and grouping in order to statistically analyze trends and group profiles for the improvement of the services offered by Invopop.

The fields in the form must be filled so that Invopop can fulfill the purposes mentioned above. In the event that there are optional fields on a form, they will be expressly indicated.

The user can object to the sending of commercial communications at any time by sending an email message to the address indicated above lines.

In addition to the specific treatments according to the service you request, Invopop may store the IP address of the user's device, only for technical and security reasons, and therefore, based on the legitimate interest of safeguarding the integrity and security of the service.

Lawful Bases for the Processing of Data

The processing of the personal data provided by the user is carried out based on the following lawful bases that legitimize it:

Through filling forms on the Web or by sending emails or any other type of request for information sent to Invopop, the interested party gives his express consent for the processing of his personal data. Likewise, the interested party gives his consent to share his data with third parties when it is necessary for Invopop to provide its services, encompassing activities such as allowing access to third parties, or the submission of documentation directly through the platform, among others.

For the processing of the data incorporated into the documents uploaded to the platform, it will be understood that such treatment is necessary to provide our services to the User, and that it is carried out by Invopop as data processor.

Likewise, your data may be processed based on the legitimate interest in promoting our services and disseminating our brand through marketing actions, provided that this interest does not prevail over that interest or fundamental rights and freedoms that require the protection of personal data.

The consent will be understood as free, specific, informed and unequivocal, since after reading this Privacy Policy the user is informed and, if satisfied, can accept it by means of a statement or a clear affirmative action, such as the marking of a box that is available for this purpose.

In no case, Invopop will use the personal data of the interested parties for purposes other than and incompatible with those mentioned above, and undertakes to maintain due professional secrecy and to establish the necessary technical and organizational measures to safeguard the information provided by its users.

Principles Applicable to Processing

In the processing of the personal data of its users, Invopop will apply the following principles that comply with the requirements of the new European data protection regulation:

Principle of legality, loyalty and transparency: Your consent will always be required for the processing of personal data, specifying one or more purposes of which you will be previously informed with absolute transparency.

Principle of data minimization: Only the data strictly necessary for the realization of the required purposes will be requested. Likewise, and in the case of optional additional data that may allow a greater personalization of the service, its optional nature will be expressly indicated.

Principle of limitation of the conservation period: the data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the purposes of the treatment.

Principle of integrity and confidentiality: Your data will be treated in a way that guarantees adequate security and guarantees its confidentiality.

Data Communication

In general, Invopop will not communicate personal data to third parties, with the exception that the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a data processor and this is strictly necessary to manage and maintain the relationship between the user and the aforementioned company, with the prior express authorization of the user. This will be done only during the time necessary to enable the execution of the contract of order, and under the same conditions and with the same responsibilities that are required of the data controller. Once the order has been completed, the data processor will return the personal data to the Data Controller and delete any copies available to him.

On the other hand, only third parties with whom Invopop has a legal or contractual obligation to provide them, including, for example, the Ombudsman and Judges and Courts interested in the proceedings related to the complaints submitted, will have the right to access these personal data.

Rights of Interested Parties

The user may exercise at any time, in the terms established in current legislation, the rights of access, rectification or deletion of data, request that the treatment be limited, oppose it, request the portability of their data, as well as revoke the consent given, rights recognized in the aforementioned Regulation (EU). The exercise of these rights can be done by the user himself by contacting Invopop at the address of its registered office indicated above; by sending an email to the following address or to the postal address Calle Pradillo 42, Madrid 28002, Spain.

Interested parties may access their personal data, as well as request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected. In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case they will only be kept for the exercise or defence of claims that may occur.

Interested parties may also object to the processing of their data. In this case, Invopop will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

As a data subject, you have the right to receive your personal data, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit them to another controller when:

  • The treatment is based on consent
  • The data has been provided by the person concerned.
  • The processing is carried out by automated means.

When exercising your right to data portability, you have the right to have personal data transmitted directly from controller to controller where technically possible.

Regarding treatments based on the user's consent, you can withdraw said consent at any time. However, withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out under your consent prior to the withdrawal of your consent, and will not affect the lawfulness of the processing we continue to do under any other legal basis.

For the effective exercise of these rights, the user must prove their identity by providing their name and surname, photocopy of the DNI or equivalent identification document that proves their identity, request in which the request is specified, address for the purposes of notifications, and date and signature of the applicant.

Likewise, the user may complain to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Competent Control Authority in this matter), especially when he has not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of his rights, by writing to it, C / Jorge Juan, nº 6, 28001 - Madrid, or through the web:

Cookie policy

A cookie is a small file that is sent to the user's device (usually the web browser) in order to extend the user's experience with the program in ways that would not otherwise be possible.

This website uses only strictly necessary cookies, needed for the use of the website and for the provision of the contracted service. These cookies allow navigation on the page and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without them.


What is a sub-processor

A subprocessor is another organization/ legal entity separate from Invopop that processes customer personal data as a part of the provision of our services. Other common terms are “subcontractor” or “supplier,” but the term “subprocessor” refers to an entity supporting a “Processor” (in this case, Invopop) according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Use of sub-processors within Invopop

Invopop uses subprocessors to provide our services to customers. Some “providers” and “apps” within Invopop product will connect with Invopop subprocessors to carry out the service.

Please note that if you have chosen to use “apps” or “providers”, some of these services may be supplied by a subprocessor outside of the EU in accordance with the list below.

A list of changes to the sub-processor list can be found at the end of this page.

E-invoicing providers

Name of the sub-processor
Data location
Anticipated Processing Task
Carrera 50 # 100-62 | Bogotá – Colombia
Forward e-invoices to local infrastructure in Colombia
Luna Soft S.A. de C.V.
Avenida Washington No. 4921, int. A, Col. Jardines Vallarta, Zapopan Jalisco México C.P. 45110
Forward e-invoices to local infrastructure in Mexico
Ilyda S.A.
Adrianiou 29, Athina 115 25, Greece
Greece (EU)
Forward e-invoices to local infrastructure in Greece
RUPEAL – Consultoria e Desenvolvimento de Software, Unipessoal, Lda.
Avenida Duque D'Ávila, n.o 46, 3.o A, 1050-083 Lisboa, Portugal.
Portugal (EU)
Forward e-invoices to local infrastructure in Portugal
A-Cube srl
20129 – Milan, Viale Piave 11, Italy
Italy (EU)
Forward e-invoices to local infrastructure in Italy

Hosting services

Name of the sub-processor
Data location
Anticipated Processing Task
Google Cloud EMEA Limited
Velasco Clanwilliam Place Dublin 2, Ireland.
Hosting Services
Cockroach Labs, Inc.
125 West 25th Street, New York, NY 10001 USA.
Database hosting services
Supabase, Inc
970 Toa Payoh North #07-04, Singapore 318992
Database hosting services
DigitalOcean, LLC
101 Avenue of the Americas, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10013
Hosting services
Synadia Communications, Inc.
10250 Constellation Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90067
Message passing, no storage


01-Sept-2023 - List created